TNT will always be my first training love, but I've just joined a new training group at Fleet Feet Carrboro and I'm really, really happy with it. It's set up sorta like TNT-- group runs Saturday morning at 7:00 at different locations, but FF also has Wednesday evening runs. We also have the privilege of cool clinics after training. Yesterday was a quick chirunning lesson--super fascinating. It basically carries the principles of yoga I've learned over the years into running. This makes a ton of sense and yet I've never exploited the crossover.
And, of course, I really love the people in the new group. I think I just love runners!?!?!?! So much energy going around.
It's been too hot for me to really be "successful" (=fast) lately and it gets me down when I snooze through a morning run, so I've been struggling a little with my 'tude. I used to consistently be able to wake up to run regardless of how much I had slept the night before. I also used to always shower before school. I've re-prioritized now, I think, but it feels so damn good to be freshly-run and freshly-cleaned that I can't really parse that decision.
Anyway, yeah, excellent new group, registered for my second half, with the first full possibly in sight before the end of 2010... beautiful.
Oh, and I'm really, really happy these days. Summer in Carrboro is perfect.