This post is for Rajeev, who has notified me he will read my posts even if they are lame (every delusional, self-aggrandizing blogger's dream come true/ expectation). And so, with the newly-minted confidence that my truly mediocre running routine is news to some, I have several pieces of news!
First off, I balls'd up and entered the lottery for the Nike Women's (1/2) Marathon. I have wanted to run it for a while now, and several contributing factors (namely, a strong desire to check out the bay area for personal livability and grad school aspirations, and having read dozens of Yelp reviews about how hot the firemen who fork over your Tiffany-necklace-as-finishers'-medal are) led me to throw in my $130 gamble. I was selected (yahoo!) and now have something to train for, as well as the grand excitement of training to see if I can stomach chocolate on the 11th mile of a race. That part I will train hard for.
I hope to run it in 2 hours. I have no effing clue if this is even partway possible. My past and only two races have been significantly slower than that, and I really don't love trying hard or going fast, but a sub-2 might bring some degree of self-satisfaction and/or devastatingly sexy legs. The nice thing about This Year of Racing is that my boyfriend has actually run a pretty fast 1/2 marathon and could maybe help me train (not that TNT didn't volunteer to train me, I just forwent enough of the group runs that it didn't matter a lot). It's nice to live with a sort-of athelete, because it makes me accountable for any slothiness that may/will/has occurred.
"News" two: I went to Bull City and got some new shoes, finally. They've redesigned the Mizuno Wave Rider I loved so dearly, making instead some bullshit, super-high, ankle-rubbing rubber rubbish, so I got some Saucony Kinvaras

And they have been, like, okay. They're cooler than I expected, which'll be good for summer, but they kind of rub and WHY DID THEY REDESIGN THE WAVE RIDER and they look much more ~dramatic~ than I am fast.
"News" three, now attempting to cater forthright to Rajeev, yesterday I ran 5.34 miles from my apartment around UNCA and it was fun and there were lots of hills and I didn't know where I was a couple of times which is always nice. I went with Patrick so the first 2 miles were faster than normal, but then I lost him, which was kind of awesome. ZOoooom
Aaaaaanyway, never before has anyone said so much about so little to so few, but there you have it.