Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It Is Over!

I am free to run again!
It is over! My foot stopped protesting. Like Achilles coming out of his tent despite grudge-holding and sexy pleas from Patroclus. Ready TO FIGHT!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Aww, sad.

Guys, I have a running injury. This is a bummer because running is so fun. One time I had IT band problems because I was running all sorts of badass distances and my body was like, "hey! stop being so cool all the time!" This time, I was running an hour a day, minding my own business and really enjoying benefits like improved concentration, new levels of psychological clarity, and a glimpse of the bigger picture. Then I screwed up my foot and all I can think about is wanting to run, Hulu, and a casserole of stressful life issues that I normally sort out while I run. Brain soup! Foot, please feel better. Heaven is not so far away.

Lament! My foot is wearing the crown, and I'm in the back wearing the bat wings.