I ran 13 for the first time since June yesterday! The weather was perfect and I was so grateful: low 70's, sunny but not beat-you-down sunny, crisp and beautifully sunrise-y (not the biscuit kitchen, though by the end of it I could have downed an egg and cheese... I definitely could have...). My legs were pretty toasted by 11.5mi or so, just as I remember having happened during the marathon.
I have been a pansy about hills lately; I don't know whether or not to forgive myself.
My knee has been better. My yoga teacher gave me some decent new IT stretches. He says my flexibility in my right leg is so extreme that 1) it makes no sense that my band is painful/ tight and 2) that it's going to be nearly impossible to loosen it up because bones don't bend how I would need to bend to stretch it. Well then. I concede.
Two weeks until the race and I'm a little less afraid because I think John is going to escort me to Asheville and after having run 13 I remember what it's like and that I'm capable of it.
I'm a little weary of waking at 6:15 on Saturdays after long, long workweeks but I think I can cope for another 10 weeks. I have no idea what it's like to run for four hours on a Saturday morning, though. One day. One day I will know.
Happy trails.
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