Thursday, June 23, 2011


I feel like the proverbial elephant in the room* with my doing a running blog is that I have never run a marathon. I think about this about once a week, and get a little sad at myself. Half marathons are nice, but I still harbor a little guilt over never running the TNT marathon all the postcards that Emily and I sent to our friends and family promised we'd run. I feel pretty secure in my ability to run a painless 8-10 miles, which is more than I could say two years ago. I feel pretty secure that I can run 13-14 miles with a little water and walking. But I am still not secure about running 26.2+, or, moreover, waking up on Saturdays before North Carolina preheats the oven to do a training run of 20 or 24 miles like I know I Would (Should). I know I'll run a marathon one day, but thinking of it sort of stresses my runner's brain out. Like do I really love running that much? Running is fantastic, but so is brunch, being in bed at 11 on a Saturday, and my IT band feeling like it is a friendly, non-alien part of my body.

*Mind-room. Blog-room. Whatever room it is, I'm pretty sure I'm flying solo in there.

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