Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Fuel Belt is Incredible

Oh my gosh. The fuel belt is literally the most best running purchase I've ever made, inclusive of the Mizunos I was fitted for, bought, and have loved since March.
I went on that dank run on Saturday and didn't have to stop to walk once. I was super relaxed, never stressed, and didn't have to think about how close I was to water. The belt didn't jostle, wasn't annoying or too tight, and held my phone, keys, and a gel without any problem (didn't even plan to use the gel, just wanted to see what it would be like). I was so in love with being hydrated that I kept a good pace and was just beaming. This middle-aged woman jogging with her tiny ugly dog passed me on Seawell School Road and was like "you look so beautiful! you are glowing!" in the most genuine way. BANGIN.
So yeah, I'm running with that dorky, dorky belt whenever I do distance in the future. For sure. For SURE.

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